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ERA to Support Alzheimer's Research UK

2019 will see ERA, the Wolverhampton-based security expert, lend its support to Alzheimer’s Research UK, having made the organisation its chosen charity for the year. ERA has set a £10,000 target, and staff at the company will use their ingenuity to come up with a broad variety of fund-raising activities.

Darren Waters, ERA’s CEO said:

“As we do every year, we asked employees to vote for one of a selection of charities, and Alzheimer’s Research UK was the resounding choice for 2019. Most of us know someone affected directly, or indirectly, by this debilitating condition, so we are keen to do our bit and make a real difference. Since 2015, ERA has raised more than £50,000 for four charities and we hope to achieve a similar target for Alzheimer’s Research UK.”

Alzheimer’s Research UK is the UK’s leading dementia research charity dedicated to diagnosis, prevention, treatment and cure. Backed by its passionate scientists and supporters, the organisation is challenging the way people think about dementia. The charity is bringing together the people and organisations who can speed up progress, and is investing in research to make life-changing breakthroughs possible.


Commenting on ERA’s decision to make Alzheimer’s Research UK the company’s charity of the year, Zoe Baggott, Regional Fundraising Officer for the charity, said:

“We’re delighted to have been chosen as ERA’s charity partner, and extremely grateful to their staff for backing our mission to bring about the first life-changing treatment for dementia. Over half of people know someone living with dementia, and we know that many staff at ERA will have felt the impact of the condition in their own families. Research can and will deliver life-changing preventions and treatments for dementia, and ERA’s support will be vital in powering groundbreaking research that could transform lives.”

For further information on ERA’s wide range of security products, including its innovative smart home security suite, visit

www.eraeverywhere.com or contact the sales team on 01922 490 000 or email [email protected].
