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Weak additional door security? Not with TS 003.

Door chains and bar restrictors are often seen as more traditional ways of providing additional door security. Something the older generation used to feel safer when opening the door. In practice, in the past, they may have looked the part, but offered no real home security protection. No official guidance previously existed to guarantee such additional door security devices resisted forced entry. That’s where the new TS 003 standard from the DHF comes in. It's now time to change, both the perception of these products and their capabilities.

Door ChainDoor chains and door restrictors have been used to great effect for many years. They provided a really useful way for home occupiers to feel safer when opening their doors. Whether that was checking the identification of tradesmen before allowing entry. Or verify the visitor at the door is known to them.


They were able to provide a visible physical barrier between the home occupier and the person on the other side of the door. Urging those persons looking to force entry into the house to have a rethink. One inherent problem with these devices is that although they provide a really practical way to increase the feelings of peace of mind and visible home security. In terms of actual door security, they provided a relatively weak barrier.


As no official guidance existed to dictate the performance levels such devices should achieve. Products were not subject to strength tests, to prove their impact resistance should the product be attacked in a real-life scenario.

TS 003 Standard

In a change to this approach, the DHF (Door and Hardware Federation) introduced a technical standard called TS 003:2012. That outlines the way door restrictors should be tested. Giving fabricators, installers and consumers the confidence that this type of additional door security, will stand up to the job.


Products conforming to TS 003 are tested to ensure a door is protected against extreme and repeated force or abuse. Protecting the occupiers within from unwanted forced entry. The standard includes products that have been designed to safely limit the initial opening of the door. Whilst still permitting householders to have a conversation with a visitor. So exactly the type of additional security devices that have been previously identified as inherently weak.


The methodology assumes that any unwelcome caller will only be able to use their hand/arm strength; and/or their bodyweight to attempt to force an entry. Designed to protect the door against potential unwanted visitors who may seek to ‘barge’ their way through. The chain or restrictor will hold firm in their locked position. 


ERA TS 003 Door Chain Certified solutions from ERA

To meet the requirements of the standard, ERA has developed two products. The new heavy-duty door chain and door restrictor have been fully tested and certified to the TS 003: 2012. Both can be fitted to new or existing doors and have been designed to limit the initial opening of the door for safety.


One particular element of TS 003 is the abuse mode test. During the test, the chain and restrictor are subjected to breaking forces of 100N which they both exceed. To ensure they are fully capable of maintaining security under duress. Providing reassurance that a door with the TS 003 chain or restrictor fitted is protected against extreme and repeated force or abuse.


For some fabricators or installers, door chains and restrictors may be seen as a bit old fashioned. And, as such, not currently a part of their door offer. But with the introduction of the new TS 003 standard, they now have the confidence, that the products adhere to modern requirements. Therefore, could potentially be included as an option, especially as a way to add value to a new door installation.

ERA TS 03 Door RestrictorWith the continued emphasis on safety, the TS003 standard may also be a requirement for new build constructions (where a door restricted device is specified). Manufacturers will need to install a product that demonstrates it complies with the latest specifications. TS 003 test evidence can also be utilised in an independent PAS 24 door test too.


For the retrofit market, installers should also be aware of the importance of fitting certified solutions to existing doors. Either as part of a complete upgrade or to further improve security on a current door.


The chain and restrictor are both simple to install on most PVCu, timber or solid core composite doors. A handy solution to be ‘kept on the van’. For when an installer or locksmith needs to upgrade door security on a call out.


Although obviously an important part of a product's design, it’s not just about performance. Aesthetics haven’t been neglected, the door chain and door restrictor are available in the Fab&Fix range of patented Hardex finishes. The chain and restrictor perfectly match other Fab&Fix door furniture. Choose Hardex Gold, Bronze, Chrome, Graphite or Satin and complement the suite of Fab&Fix door handles, letterplates, knockers, numerals, hinges, etc. For a versatile optional extra that will slot into any existing door offer.

Peace of mind for consumers

TS 003 Door Chain

Recommended by the Neighbourhood Watch and approved by the police preferred initiative Secured By Design. The TS 003 door chain or door restrictor can offer stylish, yet practical additional security for any door. Easily applied before opening the door, the chain and restrictor offer conversation from the doorstep without giving access to uninvited visitors.


The occupier can confirm any identification and authenticate, with either device securely in place, before allowing entry. Then simply close the door, release and re-open the door to grant entry. The occupier can keep either device in place until they feel comfortable.


An ideal way to prevent distraction burglary and other forms of unwanted forced entry at the doorstep. For the elderly or vulnerable that may have movement issues, that may prevent the use of a standard door chain. The door bar restrictor is a great alternative.


For consumers, sometimes having an additional visible barrier enhances their feelings of safety and security. And, with the new TS 003 testing guidance, they can be assured that the new TS 003 products offer real additional door security, at last.

Sarah Knight, Product Manager at ERA, sums it up: “With many homeowners receiving more door callers as we increasingly shop online, and distraction burglary being an ongoing concern for older customers, in particular, the new TS 003 certified devices are a timely addition to the ERA certified solutions range.”


ERA has a broad range of certified solutions, from TS 003 chains and restrictors to TS 007 certified cylinders. For more information visit eraeverywhere.com