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Technical Bulletin: Can your doors meet the latest PAS 24 standard?

Updates to PAS 24 - are you up to speed?

A revision to the PAS 24 standard was published in February 2016 and compliance to the new standard is mandatory 12 months from issue for certified products. Current PAS 24 Licence holders must update the specification of their doors and undertake the relevant testing on their products to meet the latest standard. This includes any amendments/ additions to the standards since the previous issue.

As part of the new PAS 24 2016 standard (Enhanced security performance requirements for door sets and windows in the UK) a new requirement was introduced to cover letterplate security. The latest standard now references the Door and Hardware Federation (DHF) TS008 standard:

TS008: 2015 Enhanced security and general requirements for letterplates and slide through boxes

This effectively means that to meet the latest PAS 24 requirement when fitting a letterplate to the door, your door will require a TS008 solution to comply. At the time the standard was issued the lack of TS008 compliant products available meant that an extension to the period of compliance is likely of around 3 months, though no formal decision has been announced.

In addition for new build applications, Approved Document Q references TS008: 2012 which states doors must have suitable provision against forced entry including being designed “to hinder anyone attempting to remove keys with sticks and/or insert their hand, for example incorporating a flap or other feature to restrict access”. TS008:2015 certified products provide enhanced protection against these methods of attack.


What is TS008: 2015 and how can I ensure my letterplate complies?

This technical specification provides a means of evaluation against opportunist attack and to prevent the contents being removed. The specification includes all Letterplate assemblies that allow mail to pass directly through a door or side panel and all Slide through boxes that allow mail to pass directly through a door or door side panel; which are designed for fire and/or non-fire applications. Products are tested and given a classification of compliance which will be marked on the product.

The key compliances to TS008: 2015 are:

  • Manipulation: Not being able reach a target replicating a thumbturn cylinder through the Letterplate area
  • Fishing: Not being able to reach a target 900mm away at 750mm high with a 1200mm rod through the letterplate. This replicates hooking a set of car keys and bringing back to the Letterplate to remove from the property
  • Gauge Mail Test: Having the ability to post a set size of mail through the Letterplate
  • Flap Security: 1Kn (100kg) of pull force held for 10 seconds
  • Labelling: Confirm specification on product to TS008: 2015

Ensuring your compliance . . . .

ERA have developed the first Kitemark solution to the TS008:2015 standard – the Fab&Fix Nu Mail Shield. Fully colour matched letterplate for a stylish security solution to meet all elements of TS008:2015.

Nu Mail Shield - for the ultimate in TS008 accreditation

Fitted in conjunction with the Fab&Fix Nu-Mail 76mm Letterplate the Nu Mail Shield is tested and certified to TS008:2015 giving you a stylish Kitemarked security solution. Fully colour matched in the Fab&Fix perfectly matching Hardex finishes.

Specifically engineered to prevent access to the door handle or cylinder by means of an intruder reaching through the letterplate to gain access to the home. Designed to maintain clear access required for postal items while providing additional peace of mind to homeowners. Security shield sits flush against the Nu Mail letterplate on the door to provide an attractive yet compliant solution to the latest changes to PAS 24 and Document Q. Supplied with Jack Nuts and Machine Screws for unreinforced sections.


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Things to consider . . .

To show compliance to TS008 you must fit the approved products to the correct specification as outlined in the fitting instructions whilst also presenting our testing report as evidence of compliance. If you demonstrate compliance, testing to TS008 will not be required during the door certification process. If you need any help or advice on what testing or certification you require, you can contact our ERA Expert Testing Engineers who can help.

To download this Technical Bulleting click here

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