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Social Media Tips and Tricks - Twitter

There are 1 million UK users on Twitter. Twitter is a great platform to communicate with your customers and followers effectively. You can monitor reactions to your business or negative feedback that you can resolve quickly. 

If you haven’t already, add your business logo to your profile photo. Ensure it fits as Twitter uses a circle rather than a square. If you need help making it fit, you can contact [email protected] and we will adjust the dimensions.

Ask your friends to follow your page. The more people you can get to support your page the better.

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Upload an eye-catching cover photo that tells people exactly what your business is. You could also include details such as a telephone number and email address. 

Fill in the bio section on your page. Tell people about your business and what services you provide. Also add your location, so customers know what area you are in. If you do not have a website, add your Facebook page link instead. 

How to get customers

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  • Regular promotions and sales will bring in new customers. You can also offer  discounts when you first start out your business or have a new product so you can gain customers.
  • Tag suppliers in your posts/images when you have used their products. A lot of suppliers might retweet your tweet which means their followers will also see your post.
  • Use hashtags in all posts where you can. They must be relevant to your post. Do not include spaces, for example ‘#alarmsystem’.
  • Post achievements and news about your business. Customers want to know you are genuine people, so sharing news will make customers feel like they know you more.
  • Make use of Twitter ads and target audiences that will require your services.
  • Take before and after photos of your work and share them with your followers.
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How to build Twitter likes and engagements

  • Run competitions and giveaways. You can do posts similar to the Screwfix one to the right or ask people to retweet, like and comment. Make the prize worth winning as people are more likely to engage on your post.
  • Be consistant with your posts. Posting 15 times a week is a good amount to continue to be seen on Twitter. This also includes retweets, so it is easy to achieve. If you only post every now and again your engagement will fall.
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  • Use trending hashtags. Trending means they are popular right now. For example #throwbackthursday. For that hashtag you could post something from a while ago relating to your business and try making it interesting.
  • Time your posts right for your followers. Test out posting at different times in the day and see when you get the most reach and engagement. Post morning, afternoon and night time. You can use your page analytics to determine what time range is best. For example post between 6pm and 9pm.
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  • Do NOT post or share political or potentially fake news posts. Some of your followers could be highly offended by these. 
  • Occasionally post funny content that you know your followers will like. Relate it to you or your services. Do not make it something completely random and irrelevant.

You can use a lot of posts from your Facebook page to make it easier. Some may need slightly changing as Twitters caption only allows 280 characters. So make it short and sweet!

How to get the most out of Twitter ads

Think about what you want to gain from your ad. A good objective to begin with would be ‘Tweet Engagements’. When choosing your target audience you need to know who you are trying to sell to. For example, you are a locksmith trying to sell your services so you wouldn’t target audiences that interests are ‘locksmith’ as more than likely thats their job too. Instead, target people interested in home improvements or renovation. You could be more specific and target an age range or mums as they’re more likely to want increased security and need someone to fit it.

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Avoid using hashtags in your promoted ads, as you do not want audiences clicking away from your post. Post a video as your ad rather than an image. Include people/yourself and speaking is a good idea. Customers want to see real life and well thought out content but you do not need to spend a lot of money creating a video, simply use your phone.

Once you find what works stick to it. If a certain target audience in your ads is bringing in new and existing customers, keep using it. Focus on generating business rather than more likes. You may need to test a few different audiences with a low budget until you find the right one. Use the audience summary to help choose the size of your audience.

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