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ERA and GGF call for industry collaboration to ensure Part F compliance

ERA, one of the UK’s leading home security and fenestration component providers, is working with the Glass and Glazing Federation (GGF) to encourage collaboration between fabricators and installers to ensure compliance with the updated Building Regulations Part F1:2010. 

The updated guidance to Approved Document F of the Building Regulations was published on the 15th December 2021 and came into effect on 15th June 2022. Some installers may still be unaware of the changes, and as a result, could be fitting non-compliant systems in homes throughout England.

The updates to Approved Document F – Background Ventilation require replacement windows to be fitted with trickle vents, regardless of whether or not they currently have a trickle vent fitted. The minimum ventilation requirement for a replacement window is 8000 EQA in habitable rooms and kitchens, and 4000 EQA in a bathroom, meaning the older 2000/3000/4000 vents are now redundant.

All vents are also required to have the EA performance stamped on the internal section of the trickle vent to establish what vent is currently being used and if it complies with the new requirements.

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Leading on ERA’s existing environmental activities, one of Lara’s first projects will be working on the most pressing deadline set out on the Tyman roadmap, which promises to eliminate single-use plastic, delivering sustainable packaging across the Group by 2026.

Starting her career as an Environment and Sustainability Consultant, Lara has worked across a diverse range of industries over the last decade including FMCG, facilities management, biotechnology and events, which included the 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games and the 2018 European Championships in Glasgow.

Lara, said of her new role at ERA:

“ERA is a company I believe in and I was instantly impressed by its sustainability agenda. It is clear that the company wants to make a huge difference, not only for themselves but the entire industry. I am also impressed by the level of care ERA and Tyman has for both their employees and the wider community.

“There is lots to be done in our industry and I am hoping that our efforts will create a domino effect that inspires and supports others throughout the supply chain to make positive changes that will have a lasting impact.

“ERA is keen to invest in its sustainability programme and I know we’ll strive to continuously improve. I feel proud to be here and to be part of this meaningful journey.”

Lara’s appointment closely follows the release of Tyman’s 2022 Annual Report, which further establishes sustainability as the core of its growth strategy. The Group confirmed in the report that its sustainability roadmap will focus primarily on three of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals including Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG 7), Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG 11) and Climate Action (SDG 13).

For further information on ERA’s diverse portfolio of security products, contact the sales team on 01922 490 000 or email [email protected]

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Graham Colls, Head of Technical Product at ERA, said: “As one of the industry’s leading hardware suppliers, we are in regular contact with our extensive customer base of window manufacturers and are working collaboratively with them to educate installers who may not be aware of the latest updates.

“We are encouraging all areas of the industry to work closely together to ensure that all installations are meeting the minimum requirements of Building Regulations Part F1:2010 to achieve the highest standards of compliance and ventilation for domestic properties.”

For further information on ERA’s diverse portfolio of security products, including its smart home offering, visit www.eraeverywhere.com or contact the sales team on 01922 490 000 or email [email protected].