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There's no room for mediocrity in this Market

2016 has been a challenging year for the leading hardware business ERA.  Switching more and more fabricators to ERA products has continued despite turbulent market conditions.  Group sales director Paul Reid reflects on 2016 and talks about the firm’s plans to continue to drive the ERA business in 2017.

“It’s no surprise that we continued our progress in 2016, we’re working with an increasing number of businesses who are looking for a hardware solution that will make their system stand out. 

We’re well known for our innovation-first approach when it comes to product development, you just need to look to our Invincible to realise that we’re not afraid to buck the trend. 

As we enter 2017 our focus remains the same – to work with fabricators, and indeed retailers, who are looking for a real security advantage.  We know through our work as primary sponsors of the Neighbourhood Watch that consumers are becoming increasingly savvy about home security, so it’s vital that we continue to equip our customers with supporting evidence about the performance of our products.

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"One of the key advantages of ERA for any business looking to be first to market with innovation is our breakthrough technology in the smart locking sector – this will be a real focus in 2017.  Unlike most other hardware businesses, we have the capability and the resources to develop world-class products, such as TouchKey, a product that will really ignite the smart locking market in the UK.  These innovations backed up by a culture of ‘get the job done right first time’ will underpin our ambitious plans for 2017. 

There’s a lot to do – but we have all the tools, the people and the resources to deliver a total security offer for any business looking to provide their customers the ultimate security solution on their system.”