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Paul Swift is ERA's salesperson of the year

For ERA, the security experts, high quality training underpins all of the company’s business functions. This applies both to its fabricator and installer customers and to its own staff. So it was unsurprising that when Paul Swift won ERA’s 2018 Salesperson of the Year award recently, the National Account Manager modestly attributed his success to the great training he had been given.

Paul says:

“When I joined ERA at the beginning of last year I’d already notched up 27 years in the window industry, and along the way gained an MBA. I had lots of experience in hardware business development, but nevertheless, as with every new starter at ERA, I was put through twelve training modules at the company’s Training Academy. The level of the training given to me was far higher than I had expected, and I was able to spend time with all of the company’s departments to give me a proper grounding in all aspects of ERA’s business and the numerous products it offers.

“I can honestly say that even having been in the industry for such a long time I learnt a lot. I was given so much support, even on my first customer visits. And the training is ongoing, especially in the newer product areas such as Smartware. It’s all meant I’m fully equipped to help our fabricator and installer customers with their challenges. And with our Fab&Fix hardware range incorporating so many options the training means I am best placed to be able to recommend solutions and answer questions on installation. It’s all about being able to support our customers in their own business development.”
