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Charity Success for ERA

2016 has been a exciting year for ERA's charity fundraising activites. Well done and a huge thank you to all our customers, suppliers and employees who helped us to raise £14,185.50 for Cancer Research UK in 2016.

ERA employees chose Cancer Research UK as its nominated charity for 2016. Cancer Research UK is the world's leading cancer charity dedicated to saving lives through research. Their groundbreaking work into the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer has seen UK survival rates double in the last 40 years. 

Commenting on the decision to nominate Cancer Research UK as its chosen charity for 2016, ERA CEO Darren Waters says: “we really wanted to harness the power of our teams across the UK and come together to support one very worthwhile charity – we asked employees to vote from a selection of charities and Cancer Research UK was the unanimous choice. The entire business is brought into this ‘one charity’ initiative and we’ve already made a very healthy dent in our target.”

For more information about Cancer Research UK, please visit www.cancerresearchuk.org
