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Fab&Fix: Function & Finish

With 30 years of design and manufacturing experience, Fab&Fix is highly acclaimed for offering the best quality and choice, whilst achieving outstanding performance in both functionality and finish. All Fab&Fix products are guaranteed for 10 years against any issues caused by defective materials or workmanship and against any finish degeneration due to weather.

With no loopholes in our guarantee or difficult to meet terms, at Fab&Fix, we've got you covered.


Security Guarantee.

It's not all about the aesthetics, Fab&Fix products also benefit from a Total Security Guarantee which gives complete piece of mind.

Fit a combination of products to achieve Total Door or Total Window security and benefit from the ERA Total Security Guarantee.

If a break-in does happen, we will replace the damaged window or door and pay £5000 to the homeowner as compensation. We would even increase this to £10,000 if the home also has an ERA Homeguard or ERA Protect Alarm fitted.

Implementing the guarantee couldn’t be simpler . . .

A full suite of showroom support is available from leaflets to posters.

For fabricators, you have access to a wide range of approved hardware to use as part of the scheme. Full PAS 24 packages for windows, doors or VS windows.

Installers simply need to purchase their windows and/or doors from a registered fabricator, register on the scheme and then homeowners can easily register their ERA Total Security Guarantee online once the installation is complete.  

For more information

Please contact us to enquiry about how to become an approved ERA Total Security fabricator. 

Or for more information on the packages of window and door hardware that you can use as part of the guarantee. Take a look at: