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ERA appoints Sumier as customer support manager

Heading up a six-strong team of smartware experts, Sumier, who has over 20 years’ experience in delivering excellent customer service with high profile organisations such as Centrica, O2, Vodaphone, Talk Talk and Argos, provides exceptional aftercare to ERA’s smartware customers.

Sumier said, ‘The goal for my team is to deal with any smartware queries quickly and efficiently to a very high standard and to ensure that our customers are happy. Communication is the key for us, so we like to develop good working relationships with our customers.


‘My role also encompasses delivering our Smartware Installer Training Programme, that ERA has developed specifically for locksmiths and other trades people who want to feel more confident with their own customers when installing our innovative smartware products.’


Will Butler, Group Marketing & Innovation Director said, ‘Along with a passion for excellent customer service, Sumier brings a wealth of practical experience and dedication to the role. I am confident that, with Sumier’s contribution, our customers will greatly benefit from the work of the Smartware Support Team and in fact, we are already seeing some very positive reviews from installer’s via feedback, who feel supported by ERA if they have any issues or difficult questions from their own customers.’